USS Penumbra Sim Narrative, SD 202303.03



The Penumbra was deep into territory claimed by the Holy Order of the Kinshayans where they had been following a Kinshayan freighter (at a discreet distance). The Cerberus had followed the freighter to a nearby planet while the Penumbra was taking a more careful approach from a bit further out in the system. Both ships had their stealth systems engaged and appeared to be unnoticed (so far).

The freighter had taken up orbit around a densely inhabited planet that LtCmdr. Denovan Hawke named "Sierra 2" (it was previously uncharted in the stellar cartography database). Initial recon of comm traffic showed some discussion of the miraculous diversion of "the Iscar fragment" that would have nearly destroyed a nearby inhabited planet, but other than that, the traffic was utterly normal.

In the Wellness Center, the Penumbra's two senior-most Science Officers, Cmdr. Relok and LtCmdr. T'Lin, were recovering from an ancient Vulcan pychic illness called "The Freeze". Through a psionic connection with Relok, Dr. Katarina Hawke discovered the Freeze was something akin to an "allergic reaction" Relok and T'Lin picked up from their psychic brush with a powerful, albeit young, Kinshayan mystic in their first encounter. They were advised not to attempt such methods again until some precautionary measures were devised to prevent the reaction.

Also in the Wellness Center was the casket and body of a 500-year-old Klingon corpse. The ancient Klingon inside it was quite fierce looking, with pronounced forehead ridges, thick projecting eyebrows, and a terrifying snarl on his well-preserved face. He looked strikingly demonic! They had no idea how he got embedded in the comet fragment, since 500 years ago the Klingons were not warp-capable! And the fragment he had been embedded within was the one called "Iscar's fragment", and it was "begotten of Urgulmar" in some kind of Kinshayan religious event.



Smelling the Flowers

Commodore Zak Taylor was pacing in front of the Command Chair in the center of the Bridge.

LtCmdr. Denovan Hawke was at the Tactical station and reported, "There're at least not paying attention to us since they can't see us, but there are a few security ships about."

Zak glanced over at his Chief Tactical Officer and asked, "Did we get a return ping on that tracer for the Cerberus? Do we know where she is?"

As Zak asked his question, the Turbolift doors slid open as LtCmdr. Jason Carter made his way back to the Bridge. He answered for Den, "She shouldn't be too far." He started towards the Helm station.

At the Primary Reconnaissance station, SgtMaj. Derek Hines was listening intently to all of the subspace channels. He commented, "There's a faint ping that matches the signature we used last time from the Cerberus , but I can't identify her specifically."

Den agreed, "Like Hines just mentioned, though there may be some lag so it could come in fully in a few minutes."

Ens. "Proxy" Filler looked up as he heard his superior officer enter. He nodded at him as Carter patted his shoulder and took over the station. Filler slipped off to one of the auxiliary stations without another word. Carter scanned the system and asked, "Synchronous orbit, Commodore?"

Zak shook his head, "Not yet, Carter. Keep us out here a ways for a bit. Let's watch and listen first."

Carter nodded, "Aye, sir. I'm scanning for any nearby obscurities that can help mask our presence." He scanned the navigational sensors then reported, "There's a large pocket of ionized carbon just a few hundred kilometers away from us that could mask our warp signature, sir."

Zak turned to Den at the Tactical console. "Keep a sharp eye. Let me know if you think we need to go to Yellow Alert, but let's just watch for now." Den nodded and continued to monitor the other vessels in the system.

At that moment, the comm systems pinged and the voice of Col. Travis Patterson came through, " Cerberus to Penumbra. Took the scenic route getting here, Commodore?"

Zak started to answer, a smirk on his face, "Tabby, let the Colonel know ...," but he was interrupted.

LtCmdr. Tabeshk Tibris, manning the Operations Console as usual, responded to the incoming hail, " Penumbra to Cerberus. Shut up!" he laughed.

Zak continued, "..we're in the neighborhood, smelling the flowers." He rolled his eyes as Tabby had beaten him to the punch.

Tabby grinned back, "Oh, I'm sorry, Commodore, I'm just THAT good at my job." He snickered as he reactivated the comm and said, " Penumbra to Cerberus. Commodore wanted to let you know we're in the neighborhood smelling the pretty flowers."

Patterson's voice came back, "Well ... maybe he shouldn't bend over too far. Never know who might be crawling up his exhaust pipes." Tabby burst out laughing.

Zak flopped into the Big Chair with an eye-roll and an audible groan. "Tabby, just ask him if he's going to be home in time for dinner."

Tabby dutifully relayed the message, " Penumbra to Cerberus . Father wants to know if you'll be back for supper."


Creating the Database

Eventually, Den reported, "Interesting. The open comm chatter is about the Klingon-Gorn war, as well as the Iscar fragment."

Zak glanced up at Den, then turned to Hines. "Hines, see if you can find any kernels of truth in that chatter about the Klingon-Gorn war. We know the Kinshayans despise the Klingons, so the chatter probably has significant spin on it."

Den nodded, "It was pretty negative against the Klingons."

Tabby chimed in, "Honestly, that doesn't surprise me, Den."

Hines added, "There's quite a bit of a language barrier. The database doesn't have much to go on as far as their language goes, either, but ... it's pretty biased against the Klingons."

Zak turned towards the Science area where only the junior Bridge Officer remained while the two senior officers were in the Wellness Center. "So, that stuff about the Iscar fragment ... that was us wasn't it? Back at the other planet? Is there anything in our databases about Kinshayan religion?"

Lt. Jackson Carshel responded, "I'll look into it." He began accessing various databases from the Primary Science Station.

Den said, "I believe it was us. I don't think they know it was us however."

After a moment, Carshel said, "Well, I have good news and bad news."

Zak turned to him, "Good and bad? I guess let's hear the good first."

Carshel responded, "Good news is, this is new information! Bad news is ... I don't know shit."

Zak rolled his eyes yet again at the Lieutenant's answer. "Great. So, we're creating the database as we go, huh?"

Carshel nodded, "Seems so ... unfortunately."


Familiar Signal

Suddenly, a chime sounds on Hines' board, followed almost immediately but one at Den's Tactical console. Their sensors had picked up a distinctive signal. Hines glanced over at Den and said, "That's the same ship that followed us from the comet."

Den checked his readings and responded, "It is the same one."

Zak heard the exchange. "They might have seen us! When we snagged the comet! We were visible for several seconds before we Slipstreamed out of there."

Carter scanned each of their faces in turn, adding, "More like ... 12 seconds."

Zak stiffened. "Tabby, call Patterson, get him back here, unless he's got something more important he's doing."

But Tabby didn't get the chance. The face of the on-board Artificial Intelligence known as MAX materialized at several pedestals and consoles around the Bridge. "The Cerberus is aboard and staging on auxiliary pad 3 in the Flight Deck now."

Tabby smiled, "Oh, cool, thanks MAX!"

Zak looked at one of MAX's many faces. "When the hell --? Fine. Den, I think it's time we go to Yellow Alert."

Den scowled slightly. "This isn't great," he said as he activated the alert. A klaxon sounded and lights all around the ship flashed yellow.

Just then the Turbolift doors slid open and Patterson stepped onto the Bridge. "Seems I made it just in time."

Zak turned to his Tactical Officer "Den, is it possible that Kinshayan might be able to trace us, even with MIRAGE?"

Den answered, "I suppose it's entirely possible, if they got all of our emission signatures. It's just like a cloak. There's always something."

Zak stood back up and started pacing again. He glanced at Patterson, still standing near the Turbolift. "They haven't reacted to us yet, but that ball ship thingie that saw us at the other planet is here at this one. Maybe coincidence, but ... it's got my Spidey Sense tingling, you know?"

Patterson shook his head and moved towards the XO seat. "In my line of work, there was one very important clause ...," but he trailed off without saying it.


Tracking & Calling

Carshel's commbadge suddenly chirped and the voice of the Chief of Sciences, Cmdr. Relok, came through, "Relok to Carshel. Did you make thorough scans of the Klingon casket?"

Carshel tapped his commbadge, "Relok? Um, yes, I did no mistakes."

Relok continued, "Send the scans to the Wellness Center monitors. We're looking for any runes or marks we might be able to identify."

Carshel answered, "Sending now, Relok." He brought up the scans and sent them through.

Den was watching Patterson, then said, "I'm not going to ... you know, mess with jacking in again. I do have another idea, though."

Patterson responded, "Open to discussions, Den."

Den said, "Why don't we just do the same thing? IF there is, for some reason, they are tracking our emissions, let's do the same. We have all the sensor readings from them."

Hines offered, "I don't think they followed us here. I think they came here when they lost our trail."

Den nodded slightly but said, "Followed or not, we can still use them."

Zak nodded at Den"We can keep close tabs on the one that saw us. Good idea. And Hines, flag any comms to or from that ship for special attention." Then he added, "And it's true, this is the nearest planet to that one. After all, that's why we're here now."

Hines nodded, "Aye, sir."

Den pressed a few buttons then nodded as the console beeped. "Okay, now the locator is active."

And then the comms chirped again with Relok's voice. He seemed agitated as he said, "Relok to Bridge. The Kinshayan mystic is calling ... something ... with psionics! Be on the lookout!"


Wellness Center:

The Casket

. In the Wellness Center, Cmdr. Relok sat on the side of his biobed. He'd recovered from his bout of the ancient Vulcan mind illness called "The Freeze" and was eager to get back to work. The Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Adonudo T'lanuwa was giving him a final scan. As he did, he glanced over at his other patient, LtCmdr. T'Lin, who was sleeping comfortably on the bed, and said, "Let's just let her rest for now."

On another nearby biobed, the Assistant Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Katarina Hawke, lay recovering, mentally exhausted from using "mental muscles" she'd never used before.

Relok gestured across the Wellness Center at the ancient Klingon casket in the corner. "What's that?" he asked as he slipped off the biobed and started that way.

Adon walked with Relok, glancing at Kat, fairly sure she wasn't actually asleep. He said, "Kat, you might find this interesting too, if you feel up to it." She only moaned softly. Adon spoke to Relok, "By the way, don't be alarmed at our new patient's appearance. It can be a bit ... disturbing."

Relok cut a glance at Adon. "I assure you, doctor, I will not be disturbed." He had recovered himself after his bout with the Freeze and had re-established his Vulcan demeanor.

About that time the doors slid open and the massive half-Klingon, half-Nausicaan Marine, MstSgtKhal'Gon entered, coming to check on their deceased "guest". He asked, "What have you discovered?"

Adon turned to the big man and said, "Haven't gotten the casket open yet. Been dealing with our two sick Vulcans. But ... they're better now, so ...," he gestured towards the casket.

Kat cracked an eye open and said, "You mean the ancient Klingon inside the casket that you're having a hard time opening?" She sat up and slid off the biobed. She wobbled slightly as her head spun slightly. She gave her head a little shake and moved to join the doctor and Relok.

Relok stopped at glanced at Khal'Gon. "Are we ... permitted ... to open the casket? Is it against any Klingon customs?"

Khal'Gon gave a soft grunt. "There is nothing in that case but a husk. Klingons do not typically conduct burials and preservations of our dead."

Kat was watching from a few steps away, curious. She remembered what Khal'Gon had just stated, that Klingons believed that once the spirit was gone, that was it. For they had gone to the warrior resting grounds of Sto'vo'kor.

Adon studied Khal'Gon a moment, then asked, "So ... why is this one preserved?"

Kat spoke up then, "I think that's what he's wanting to know as well."

Khal'Gon grunted again, then shrugged. "And why are his features so barbaric?"



Adon stepped up to the casket and commented, "I haven't been able to find any release mechanism. How do we open it?"

Khal'Gon also approached, studying the casket. "It may not be designed to be opened."

Kat asked, "Did you try looking for any buttons on it? Maybe top or back of the casket?"

Relok was searching with them. "It is possible the casket was never meant to be opened. It's likely sealed. Oh, and it's been frozen in a comet for half a millennium."

Kat nodded, "That is a possibility." She considered a moment, then said, "Though if we go by different cultures with similar caskets, they would use special key indentation marks to lock or unlock the caskets."

Adon studied the casket some more, then looked over at Khal'Gon again. "That knife you always carry, the daq'tagh ... it's ceremonial, right? Some kind of honor blade? I wonder ...," he trailed off.

Khal'Gon glanced down at his daq'tagh then said, "You may be overthinking this." He reached for the bat'leth he kept strapped to his back. "Simple terms would be to just ... break it open by force."

Relok intervened"Doctor, perhaps a containment field is in order?"

Adon glanced at Relok. "Contain-? Um, yeah, good idea. Who knows what's in that thingKhal'Gon, don't break it! We might need to close it back up quickly!"

Kat said, "I agree! It could trigger some kind of protective measures if you try to damage it rather than find the lock. Ancient Egyptians used to use compressed salt that would act as an acid if you tried to break into the caskets of their dead. If you weren't careful, you'd have your face melted off before you even realized what happened."

Relok nodded, "That would likely be quite painful, even to a Klingon as stout as our beloved Khal'Gon."

Kat suppressed a grin. "Oh, yes, I agree, it would be! And possibly not something that our talented doctor could repair."

Adon asked, "Um, Khal'Gon, would you be willing to expose yourself? I'll put you inside the containment field with the casket, and you can try to find a keyhole with your daq'tagh?"

Khal'Gon looked between the two doctors, then their Chief Science Officer, then grunted once more. "Fine. I will open it under containment and safety procedures."

With a smirk Adon added, "Just be sure to keep your face ... and other body parts ... away from any broken seal!"

Kat said, "Thank you, Khal'Gon. I'd hate for you to have something melt off should there be a trap on the casket." She didn't really think it would happen, but she was sure it would be better to be safe rather than sorry. Suddenly, she put her hand to her head because it hurt. It seemed as if there was a kind of white noise static going on, as if the whole ship was thinking at once.



Khal'Gon moved around the casket while the others stepped back and Adon activated a containment field. He turned and asked, "Did anyone analyze it for a mummification glyph? Ancient traditions did include such rituals." He squinted and dropped to one knee to search underneath the head of the casket. There was a slot there that might fit the tip of his daq'tagh .

Kat turned to look at Adon for the answer to whether they'd searched for glyphs. Adon cocked his head and said, "I don't know. Carshel scanned it pretty well down in the Hangar Bay ... I think."

Kat rubbed at her temple. That white noise was becoming annoying. She mumbled, "Spidey senses are tingling." She had no idea that on the Bridge at that moment, the Commodore had said the same thing.

Relok tapped his commbadge. "Relok to Carshel. Did you make thorough scans of the Klingon casket?"

From the Bridge the voice of Lt. Jackson Carshel came back, "Relok? Um, yes, I did no mistakes."

Relok continued, "Send the scans to the Wellness Center monitors. We're looking for any runes or marks we might be able to identify."

Carshel answered, "Sending now, Relok." A second or two later, the images began streaming onto a nearby monitor.

Meanwhile Khal'Gon was studying the slot he noticed some kind of rune above it, but it was badly damaged and eroded.

Khal'Ton straightened slightly and called out, "MAX!" summoning the Artificial Intelligence.

The holographic face of the A.I. appeared on one of the nearby monitors. "Yes, Khal'Gon?" It didn't matter to MAX where he manifested. He was also on the Bridge at several stations at the moment.

Khal'Gon tapped the rune with the tip of his daq'tagh. "This," he said, "is that 'death', or 'outcast'?"



Kat muttered again, "My head hurts."

Relok glanced at her, then suddenly realized what she'd said earlier. "'Spidey sense'?" It was not a phrase he'd heard Kat use before, but did sound remarkably like something the Commodore would say.

Kat gave a nod. "Captain's Spidey senses." She rubbed at her temple again. "That presence I sensed inside your memories ...," she trailed off.

Relok's face went stern. "You sense the mystic? Now? Here?"

Kat nodded, still massaging her temples. "Yeah." She gave a sigh as the pain faded a bit. "I wish I could control this, but yeah, I felt the mystic from your memories, in combination to the Captain's 'Spidey sense', whatever that is." She frowned as she continued, "It was like a white noise or a dog whistle just blowing through my mind. I think he's calling something. I am not sure, but I got the feeling that the mystic was trying to do something."

Meanwhile, Adon had moved to the monitor where Carshel's scans were displayed. "I'm not trained in ancient Klingon runes, but Carshel did take high-res scans."

MAX said, "I've analyzed all the scans that Carshel took of the casket and referenced all ancient Klingon information in the Starfleet databases ...," he paused dramatically.

Khal'Gon prompted, "Well, MAX?"

MAX continued, "The sigil on the casket ... says 'Demon'. More specifically, 'Defiled One'."

Kat muttered, "I get the feeling that we shouldn't open that casket."

But Relok was on another thought track. He considered what Kat had said about her "Spidey sense" and the "dog whistle" sound. He tapped his commbadge, "Relok to Bridge. The Kinshayan mystic is calling ... something ... with psionics! Be on the lookout!"